Hi family and friends!
As I finish up (ugh it hurts my heart to type those words) and prepare to accept the title of an "RM--a.k.a. Returned Missionary," I have a small request given in the commitment pattern I have learned on my mission.
I TESTIFY that you are amazing people who will, under the influence of the Spirit, think of something awesome and inspiring in order to fulfill the following:
WILL YOU write me a letter, doesn't matter how long, of something you've learned in the last year about your faith? It can be a quote that impacted you, a gospel doctrine that's helped you, an experience that made you believe in God, ANYTHING. Send it to me before I end my mission, as a final spiritual boost...
AND I PROMISE YOU that you will be blessed with the opportunity to reflect on how your testimony has grown this year and how the Lord has answered your prayers through small and simple means.
I am so grateful for all of you and for your support. Please don't feel like this has to be a huge project! Anything, no matter how long, will be amazing! Please try to send it within the next 2 weeks because I only have 4 weeks left and I have no idea how long mail takes :(
My address:
Hna Morgan Skidmore
8267 Deseret Ave.
Fair Oaks, CA
Les agradezco con todo mi corazon,
Hermana Skidmore